As Graphic Designer, How to increase your salary?

If you’re a graphic designer, you know the importance of staying up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies. But what you may not know is that there are a few simple things you can do to increase your salary. In this article, we’ll share with you some tips on how to increase your graphic designer salary.

1. Get a degree in graphic design from an accredited university. 

A degree in graphic design from an accredited university can increase a graphic designer’s salary for a number of reasons. First, a degree from an accredited university is generally recognized as being of higher quality than a degree from a non-accredited university. This can lead to a higher starting salary for the designer, as employers are willing to pay more for a designer with a higher quality education. Additionally, a degree from an accredited university can lead to increased opportunities for advancement within a company, as well as higher salaries for those positions. Finally, a degree from an accredited university can give a designer the opportunity to learn from experienced and successful professionals, which can lead to a higher level of success and earnings in the field.

2. Start your own graphic design business. 

There are a few key things that you can do to increase your salary as a graphic designer if you start your own business. First, you can set your own rates. This means that you can charge what you are worth, and you can also offer discounts or package deals to attract more clients. You can also take on more clients than you could if you were working for someone else, which can lead to more money in your pocket. Finally, if you are successful in running your own business, you can eventually hire other designers to work for you, which can help you to make even more money.

3. Join a professional graphic design organization. 

As a graphic designer, you can increase your salary by joining a professional graphic design organization. These organizations offer many benefits that can help you advance your career and earn more money. Some of the benefits of joining a professional graphic design organization include: 

  • Access to exclusive job opportunities: Many of these organizations have exclusive job postings that are not available to the general public. This means that you will have a better chance of landing a high-paying graphic design job if you are a member of one of these organizations. 
  • Discounts on professional development resources: These organizations often offer discounts on professional development resources, such as books, courses, and conferences. This can help you save money and get the resources you need to improve your skills and increase your salary. 
  • Networking opportunities: These organizations offer many opportunities to network with other graphic designers. This can help you meet potential employers, learn about new job opportunities, and get advice from more experienced designers.
  • Access to industry news and resources: These organizations often have industry news and resources that you can use to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in the graphic design field. This knowledge can help you be more successful in your career and earn more money. 
  • Discounts on professional liability insurance: Many of these organizations offer discounts on professional liability insurance. This can help you protect yourself financially if you are ever sued for your work. Joining a professional graphic design organization can help you increase your salary in many different ways..

There are few active professional design organization in Malaysia, such as wREGA, MODA, MRM and etc.

4. Attend graphic design conferences and seminars. 

Graphic design conferences and seminars can provide a wealth of information and networking opportunities for designers. By attending these events, designers can learn about new trends, technologies, and software, and can also meet other designers and professionals who can help them advance their careers. Additionally, many conferences and seminars offer continuing education credits, which can help designers keep their skills current and improve their job prospects. In addition to the benefits mentioned above, attending graphic design conferences and seminars can also help improve one’s salary. Many employers are willing to pay a premium for designers who are up-to-date on the latest industry trends and who have a strong network of professional contacts. Therefore, by attending these types of events, designers can increase their marketability and earning potential.

5. Read graphic design magazines and books.

If you want to learn how to increase your graphic design salary, one of the best things you can do is read graphic design magazines and books. This will help you learn about the latest trends in the industry, as well as what companies are looking for in terms of experience and skills. Additionally, reading about graphic design can help you better understand the field and what it takes to be successful. By reading about the latest trends and keeping up with the latest graphic design news, you can position yourself as an expert in the field and earn a higher salary.

6. Take online courses in graphic design. 

There are a few reasons why taking online courses in graphic design can help to increase a graphic designer salary. Firstly, by increasing your skillset you will be able to take on more complex projects, which usually commands a higher fee. Secondly, by being able to work online you will have a larger geographical area to find work, as you are not limited to just your local area. Finally, many online courses offer certification which can help to increase your perceived value to potential employers.

7. Use social media to market your graphic design services. 

As a graphic designer, you can use social media to market your services and help increase your salary. When you post your portfolio on social media, you can reach a wider audience of potential clients. This can help you get more work and ultimately make more money. In addition, potential clients can contact you directly through social media, which can lead to more work and higher pay. If you have a strong social media presence, you can also use it to your advantage when negotiating your salary. Because you have a larger audience and reach, you can command a higher rate. Additionally, potential employers will be more likely to take you seriously as a candidate if they can see that you have a strong social media following. So, if you want to make more money as a graphic designer, make sure to use social media to market your services. With a little effort, you can reach a wider audience, get more work, and command a higher salary.

8. Create a portfolio of your best work. 

A portfolio of your best work can increase graphic designer salary because it allows you to showcase your talent and abilities to potential employers. By having a portfolio, you are able to demonstrate your technical skills as well as your creative vision. Additionally, a portfolio can help you negotiate a higher salary because it gives you a bargaining chip when discussing compensation with potential employers. Furthermore, a well-crafted portfolio can also lead to job offers from companies that are impressed with your work. Ultimately, having a portfolio of your best work is a valuable asset that can help you earn a higher salary as a graphic designer.

9. Offer discounts to clients who refer you to others. 

If you offer discounts to clients who refer you to others, you may find that your graphic designer salary increases. The reason for this is that you will be able to increase your client base, and thus, your income. Additionally, if you offer a discount to clients who refer you to others, they may be more likely to use your services again in the future. Thus, you can build a loyal clientele that will continue to use your services and recommend you to others.

10. Consider teaching graphic design courses at a local college or university.

There are many reasons to consider teaching graphic design courses at a local college or university. One reason is that it can help increase your salary as a graphic designer. Teaching can give you the opportunity to share your knowledge and experience with others, and help them develop their own skills. In addition, teaching can help you keep your own skills sharp and up-to-date. It can also be a way to give back to the community and help develop the next generation of graphic designers.


There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to increase your salary as a graphic designer will vary depending on your individual situation and goals. Besides, there are a few general key things you can do to increase your graphic designer salary. First, get experience and build a strong portfolio. Next, stay current with industry trends and learn new skills. Finally, be proactive in your career by networking and seeking out new opportunities. By following these steps, you can significantly increase your earnings as a graphic designer. Additionally, we will also provide some resources on how to research and negotiate for a higher salary when you are looking for a new job.

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