How To Break Bad Design Habits That Are Holding You Back

If you’re a creative person, it’s likely that you have some bad design habits that are holding you back. Maybe you’re a perfectionist who can’t move on from a project until it’s absolutely perfect. Or maybe you’re so used to working on your own that you have a hard time taking criticism.

Whatever your bad design habit may be, it’s important to recognize it and take steps to break it. Otherwise, it will continue to hold you back and prevent you from reaching your full potential as a designer.

Here are some tips for bad habits:

Be honest with yourself

The first step is to be honest with yourself about your bad design habits. Once you’re aware of them, you can start to work on breaking them.

Talk to other designers

If you’re not sure how to break your bad design habits, talk to other designers. They may have some helpful advice or perspective that you didn’t consider.

Take a break

If you’re feeling stuck, sometimes the best thing you can do is take a break. Step away from your work and come back to it with fresh eyes. This can help you to see things in a new light and come up with fresh ideas.

Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is a great tool for breaking bad habits. When you’re aware of your thoughts and actions, it’s easier to catch yourself when you’re falling into old patterns.

Be patient

Breaking bad habits takes time and patience. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Just keep working at it and eventually you will see progress.

Seek help

If you’re struggling to break your bad design habits on your own, seek out professional help. A therapist or coach can help you to identify the root cause of your habits and develop a plan for breaking them.

Track your progress

As you’re working on breaking your bad design habits, keep track of your progress. This will help you to see how far you’ve come and stay motivated.

Stay the course

There will be setbacks, but it’s important to stay the course. Don’t give up just because you have a bad day or make a mistake. Remember that breaking bad habits is a process and it takes time. If you’re struggling with bad design habits, don’t despair. With some effort and perseverance, you can break them and reach your full potential as a designer.

Swap The Behavior

A great way to break a bad habit is to find a positive behavior to replace it with. So, if you often procrastinate, try setting a timer and working for set periods of time. If you’re a perfectionist, try to let go of some control and delegate tasks to others.

Get Accountability

Accountability can be a great motivator. Find someone who will hold you accountable for breaking your bad design habits. This could be a friend, colleague, or even a professional coach.


Breaking bad design habits is not easy, but it’s definitely worth it. If you’re struggling, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. There are people and resources available to support you. Just keep working at it and eventually you will see results. Visit for more reads like this.

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